Wednesday, September 20, 2006

An Awkward Situation/ Office Life

Possibly the scariest moment of each office workers day is travelling in the lift first thing in the morning. There are so many pitfalls to the elevator conversation. What if I get stuck in a lift for twenty floors with someone I can't stand/ someone I tried to seduce at Friday night drinks/ boss conversations/ partner small talk/ gee the weather's funny at the moment isn't it etc etc. OK multiply the awkwardness of lift chats with your boss by ten and you're somewhere close to my predicament. Three days a week I train in the mornings and hence ride to work. On at least two of these days my boss goes to the gym in the morning. I shower in the gym after my ride. My boss showers in the gym after his workout.

How would you like awkward lift conversations with your boss whilst you are both wearing nothing but underpants?

Frightening... ordinary frightening

Yesterday Peter Brock's state funeral was on just down the street. I didn't see any Liberal pollies in attendance- could this have been a political snub from beyond the grave? Heaven only knows. It was slightly haunting to look out the window and see a funeral procession snake it's way up exhibition street.

In other celebrity funeral/ memorial news, I wonder if Germaine Greer is knocking up an opinion piece commenting on how Steve Irwin's management managed to turn his memorial service into a massive plug for Australia Zoo, Steve Irwin Inc., and a range of Holywood celebrities? I can't help but feel that the Australian media feels guilty for not showing Irwin's documentaries in Aus. If you loved the guy so much why didn't you put his programs to air while he was still alive. Ahhh guilt, what a powerful emotion.

Haven't had the chance to see any footage of either event due to being stuck in the office- damn.


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