Wednesday, October 10, 2007

George Pell

Some times he's almost likeable:

'Speaking at the National Press Club in Canberra, Cardinal Pell said he was pleased the Federal Government had added a fairness test to its workplace laws to protect low-paid workers.

However he said excessive executive salaries had added to his concern about the gap between the rich and poor.

"That concern is exacerbated when you have highly paid executives not just getting three, or four, or five million a year, but some of them even getting tens of millions a year," he said.

"I think it is a bit grotesque."

and in the Australian, he throws his weight behind the ALP education policy:

In an interview with The Australian, Cardinal Pell conceded his endorsement was a shift from his position at the last election, during which he attacked the schools policy put forward by then Labor leader Mark Latham.

"I think the policy at that stage was calculated to divide the non-government sector and to divide the rich against the poor and possibly the Catholics against the non-Catholics," he said. "That would have been most unfortunate. I'm happy to endorse the new policy."

He seems to be a bit confused though. On the one hand he is concerned about the growing gap between rich and poor, but on the other he is opposed to increasing Commonwealth funding for struggling public schools where the majority of the poor are educated at the expense of elite fee paying private instiutions.

What's more he doesn't have a problem with money flowing from the Commonwealth, that's all Australians rich and poor, to fund elite high fee selective educational institutions.

As per usual Pell is merely paying lip service to the growing gap between rich and poor Australians, while at the same time advocating the maintenence of the existing social order that has served the Church so well.



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