Saturday, September 15, 2007

Costello is a Pussy

It's hard to win the belief of your party and the nation when you don't have the self-belief to take the opportunities that come to you. Maybe Costello needs life coaching from Rudd.

"On Monday, and for a few hours on Tuesday, for one particular hour on Tuesday, it was there to be taken," he said. On that basis, the MP said, it was highly unlikely that Mr Costello would get another chance.

Whole story at: The Age


Blogger timboy said...

I don't think he's a pussy, he just doesn't want to be the one left holding the bag when the Libs lose the election.

The time to change leaders was about a year ago, that's when Costello was a coward.

To a certain extent I think he's just a victim of circumstances now.

But imagine what would have happened had he gone to the back bench a year or six months ago. He would have been in a perfect position to take over the leadership at any stage in the preceeding time.

He wouldn't have won a leadership ballot at the time, but the courage he would have showed in forcing the issue would have put him in a good position to vie for the leadership at the current time with Howard on the nose.

Now is too late.

History will recall that Costello blinked at the crucial moment. He should have challenged Howard a year ago, this would have been the best outcome for the Liberal Party.

12:25 AM  


If you want it, you take it. If you have self-belief, you put yourself in the position as soon as you can, because you are the best man for the job. Rudd was in the exact same situation.

Matt Price, a year ago:

"Rudd, a decent, intelligent and ferociously ambitious man, has made a grave mistake in leaping into the fray. Practically anything is possible in politics, but it's difficult to imagine Labor repairing its wounds to defeat the Coalition in the 2007 election. Rudd would bring many fine qualities to the leadership -- not least a slavish work ethic -- but his lack of experience shapes as a very high hurdle. (It is in) Rudd's best interests to publicly back Beazley and wait in the wings. Whichever way the numbers fall, the winner is John Howard."

2:21 PM  

Of course, the egg will be on my face when Costello actually takes the leadership later this week! (It could happen... probably not... but maybe).

2:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My Opinion:

This jet crash in Thailand will reshape the election. Howard will seize upon it and Costello is even more unlikely to challange now.

I still think there is a good chance Howard will win this election, unfortunatly.


4:01 PM  

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